Featured Business Financial Advisor in Lake Mary, FL
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SD Martin Financial Services, Inc.
1325 S. International Parkway, Suite 2221
Lake Mary, FL 32746
“Helping you to make smart decisions about your money.”
Advisor Profile
Name:  Scott Martin
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Investment advice offered through IFP Advisors, LLC, dba Independent Financial Partners (IFP), a Registered Investment Advisor. IFP and SD Martin Financial Services, Inc. are not affiliated. We do not provide legal nor tax advice. Please seek out the appropriate professional.

About SD Martin Financial Services, Inc.

We act as fiduciaries whereby we put our client's interests first and do that by being objective, transparent and by creating a non-static financial plan that acts as a GPS. We use the 7 Step Planning Process of the CFP® Board of Standards. This process takes a holistic approach to wealth management so that you gain clarity about your money and the affects of your decisions as related to your financial goals. We cater to those who value objective advice and who have at least $500,000 in securities and/or cash and are willing and able to work remotely via Zoom and phone.

Do you know for sure if you are on track to meet your financial goals? Do you know what your probability of success is for reaching your financial goals? If you can't answer these two basic questions then we invite you to find out by contacting us for a confidential probability of success analysis that uses a process that only takes 5 minutes to complete. Don't you owe it to yourself and loved ones to know where you stand?

When you complete your initial Zoom Call with Scott he will send to you The Family Preparedness Workbook. Who Should Get This? Anyone who wants to safely organize medical and financial information (personal and/or business), store key information, or organize essential documents. Set your no obligation Zoom meeting when we call/email you. This is a TRULY limited time offer for sure. So be sure to respond (voicemail)/email when we reach out to you.

Investment advice offered through IFP Advisors, LLC, dba Independent Financial Partners (IFP), a Registered Investment Advisor. IFP and SD Martin Financial Services, Inc. are not affiliated.

General Information

Years of Experience in Financial Services:    36
Gender:    Male
CRD#:    1282147
Firm CRD#:    125112
States Licensed in:    FL, CA
Number of Years with Current Firm:    26
Insurance License#:    A166689
Work with the following types of clients:    Businesses, Individual Investors
Name of Broker/Dealer:    Independent Financial Partners, (IFP)
States Willing to do Business in:    The Eastern Seaboard of the USA as well as Altamonte Springs,Apopka,Casselberry,Debary,Deland,Deltona,Longwood,Maitland,Mount Dora, New Smyrna Beach, Orlando, Oviedo, Sanford, Sorrento, Windermere, Winter Park, Winter Springs, Central Florida.
Advisory Services Provided:    Tax Advice and Services, Financial Planning for Businesses, Financial Planning for Individuals, Education Funding and Planning, Risk Management, Money Management, Wealth Management, 401K Rollovers, Retirement Planning, Portfolio Management, Estate Planning & Trusts, Financial Advice & Consulting, Insurance Planning, Annuities


Investment Types:    Mutual Funds, Bonds, Stocks, Insurance, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Alternative Investments, We vet third party asset management firms that customize your portfolio with securities
Can meet clients in the following ways:    Email, Phone, Our Office, Video Conference

Qualifications & Memberships

Certifications, Accreditations & Designations:    CFP®, Certified Exit Planner
Insurance and Annuity Licenses:    Long Term Care, Life
Financial Organization Memberships:    Paladin Registry, CFP® Board of Standards
Non-Financial Organization Memberships:    Business Enterprise Institute for Business Exit Planning

Firm Information

Assets Managed by Firm:    Private
Assets Managed by Advisor:    Private Information
Advisor's Number of Clients:    Private
Advisor's Number of Planning Clients:    Private
Advisor's Number of Managed Clients:    Private


Criminal Disclosures in Last 5 years:    Have a clean record
Compliance Disclosures in Last 5 years:    Have a clean record
Investment Advisor Representative:    Yes
Acknowledged fiduciary:    Yes

Compensation and Fees

Fee % Based on Assets:    .50 - 1.25
Additional Details on Charges:    Our fees are very reasonable and are nonnegotiable. It takes a minimum of 10 hours to create a customized financial plan that can give you clarity so that you may avoid the many landmines that exist in the global economy. We strive to provide you with much more value than what we receive. The better you do the better we do. Without first creating a plan you may end up with too much risk in your portfolio and pay unnecessary taxes and costly management fees which will lower your probability of success.
Compensation Methods:    Based on Assets, Flat Fee
Minimum Fee Charged for Managed Accounts:    $1,000
Fee Structure:    Fee-Based
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