Southampton Request For More Information

Grey Hawk Systems, Inc

203 Fox Chase Drive
Southampton, NJ 08088

Business Description

Grey Hawk Systems helps companies get the most out of their investment in computers and software while minimizing the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining those technology assets. Many companies look at their investment in technology assets from the limited perspective of, “What should I buy? ” and “How do I get the best licensing deal?” Yet, when software is viewed as an asset, and its lifecycle is managed as other critical corporate assets, cost savings are far greater than they may realize. More and more publishers and independent software 'watch-dog' groups like the BSA (Business Software Alliance) and SIIA (Software & Information Industry Association) are demanding verification of the use and volume of software products installed. Software license compliance is a real issue. Corporations without a software asset management program run the risk of paying significant penalties amounting to thousands or millions of dollars. The BSA web site recently announced an $180,000 settlement in Maryland from two companies for using improperly licensed software (see The complexities of software licensing and the ease of software installation result in a large number of unintentional license violations. There was a report of a company in Pennsylvania that was running software from Computer Associates without a license. They were required to license the software at list price $70,000. Many companies would rather over-buy to protect themselves. However, without a software asset management program, they could still have violations. They will be required to provide proof of ownership for every copy of software running in their organization or face financial penalties. A comprehensive software asset management initiative eases the complexity of managing software assets and offers measurable bottom-line cost savings and ROI gains. By ensuring software license compliance, avoiding license penalties and over- and under-buying, streamlining procurement processes, and improving Help Desk efficiency, an effective software asset management strategy can positively affect your entire organization and its bottom line. Savings can be very high with just a minimal amount of effort to put in place an asset management program for all technology assets. Gartner Group estimates a 15% annual savings through a comprehensive asset management program on a $1 million dollar software budget. That is $150 thousand per year! If, like most companies, your computer capacity grows, that annual savings is repeated year-after-year and the benefits grow with it. Current service offering to help you start saving now. 1. Software Asset Management Program Review 2. Software License Optimization 3. Standard Agreement or Addendum Development 4. Software Asset Management Program Development 5. Software Asset Management Training

General Information

Name:  David Pierce
Fax:  609-9538938

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