Featured Business Financial Advisor in Sarasota, FL
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Financial Freedom LLC
6151 Lake Osprey Drive, Third Floor
Sarasota, FL 34240
“Helping You Achieve Your Life Goals and Objectives”
Advisor Profile
Name:  Al Osgood
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About Financial Freedom LLC

Financial Freedom provides Fee-Only Wealth Management Services which includes comprehensive financial planning and investment management services. OUR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE IS TO HELP OUR CLIENTS ACHIEVE THEIR LIFE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.

Unlike many planners, we are Fee-Only Financial Planners. Fee-only planners are compensated solely on the basis of fees paid by their clients and do not accept any commissions or compensation from any other sources. This form of compensation should provide you with a high-level of confidence that you are receiving objective recommendations. Additionally, when working with clients on an on-going basis, we do so utilizing a flat retainer arrangement versus any percentage of assets under management formula.

Each year we provide our clients with a Wealth Management Services performance evaluation review. We think that it is important that each client is able to evaluate the overall value that our retainer relationship adds to the achievement of their life goals and objectives.

Our business strategy is to maintain a small firm focused on developing in-depth personal relationships with a small number of client families versus a cursory relationship with hundreds of clients. The Osgoods are the firm; they do the analysis and investing; they meet with you wherever you live; you won't be turned over to someone else once you become a client.

We are seeking prospective new clients with a minimum of $1 million of investable assets. Check out our website at for more information. Call us at 610-296-9500 for an initial no-obligation consultation.

General Information

Years of Experience in Financial Services:    35
Gender:    Male
SEC File#:    801-63647
CRD#:    2825858
Work Experience:    1981 - Present, Financial Freedom, LLC - Chairman, Founder and Chief Investment Officer 20+ years of sales and marketing at Mobil Oil Corporation
Firm CRD#:    118772
States Licensed in:    Federally registered SEC advisors.
Name of Custodial Firm:    Fidelity Investments
Number of Years with Current Firm:    35
Work with the following types of clients:    Individual Investors
Name of Broker/Dealer:    None - Independent
States Willing to do Business in:    All. We operate with SDR - Same Day Response. We will always respond to you the same day.
Advisory Services Provided:    Financial Planning for Individuals, Wealth Management


Investment Types:    Mutual Funds, Bonds, Stocks, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Socially Responsible Investments (SRI)
Can meet clients in the following ways:    Your Office, Email, Phone, Our Office, Your Home, Our Offices, Video Conference

Qualifications & Memberships

Certifications, Accreditations & Designations:    CFP®

Firm Information

Assets Managed by Firm:    $325,000,000
Assets Managed by Advisor:    $325,000,000


Criminal Disclosures in Last 5 years:    Have a clean record
Compliance Disclosures in Last 5 years:    Have a clean record
Registered Investment Advisor:    Yes
Acknowledged fiduciary:    Yes

Compensation and Fees

Additional Details on Charges:    Our fees are based on an agreed-to flat retainer (quoted on an annual basis; billed quarterly in arrears; with the ability to terminate at the end of any calendar month). We believe the retainer concept does a much better job of aligning our fee structure with the services that we provide - comprehensive wealth management which includes both investment management and comprehensive financial planning. Many years ago we did charge on a percentage of assets under management but found that method translated to a more singular focus on the portfolio versus the more holistic picture of wealth management. All fees are agreed to in advance.
Compensation Methods:    Flat Fee
Minimum Portfolio Size for New Managed Accounts:    $1,000,000
Fee Structure:    Fee-Only
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