Featured Business Financial Advisor in Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Request For More Information
Blackbridge Financial
4777 Sharon Road, Suite 540
Charlotte, NC 28270
“Our team strives to relieve the stress from wealth management.”
Advisor Profile
Name:  Mike Allison
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About Blackbridge Financial

We are a fee-only private wealth management practice that acts as a fiduciary for our clients. Our typical client is a business owner or professional that needs to achieve a monthly income goal in retirement and our team builds a customized portfolio to exceed this goal while taking the least amount of risk. We also provide financial planning, retirement planning and tax-efficient investing.

General Information

Years of Experience in Financial Services:    16
Gender:    Male
CRD#:    5200617
Firm CRD#:    168267
Name of Custodial Firm:    LPL
Name of Broker/Dealer:    Independent Advisor Alliance

Firm Information

Assets Managed by Firm:    $2,000,000,000
Firm's Number of Clients:    300
Firm's Number of Managed Clients:    300
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